Below are GSU Blackboard Support's frequently asked questions. We may not be the department who supports all the topics below, but we provide links to the appropriate information.

  • GSU Operating Plan


    The GSU Operating Plan contains an outlined model to help keep the individuals on campus safe. This plan may change depending on the degree of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Open the GSU Operating Plan to learn more.

  • How do I login and logout of Blackboard?


    You may login to Blackboard:

    • from the Governors State University homepage under the Academics column near the bottom of the page
    • through the myGSU portal and select the eLearning Blackboard button under Quick Links
    • by typing the in to the address bar

    Open the Blackboard Login text tutorial to learn more.

    You may logout to Blackboard:

    • by selecting the logout icon in the upper right corner of the page
    • selecting the End session and log out button
    • selecting the End Session button
    • and closing the browser tab/window

    Open the Blackboard Logout text tutorial to learn more.

  • How do I reset my password?


    There is one username and password setup for your GSU account. This is setup by GSU's IT Department. If you need to reset your password, you may proceed directly to the GSU self-service password portal.

    If you require documentation on how to change your password, please access the IT Helpdesk website.

    For further assistance with a password reset, please contact the IT Helpdesk at 708.534.4357 or email

  • How do I login to email?


    If you are in the myGSU portal, you may select the Email button under Quick Links or proceed to the Microsoft 365 Email website.

    To add your GSU email account to your mobile device, please view the Android tutorial or the Apple tutorial.

    For further assistance with email, please contact the IT Helpdesk at 708.534.4357 or email

  • I can login to myGSU portal and Office 365 email, but cannot login to Blackboard. Why?


    Make sure you are signing into the correct server. It is a common mistake for students to login to the Intersession server instead of the eLearning Blackboard server.

    Open the Blackboard Login text tutorial to learn more.

    If you still cannot login, please contact Blackboard Support at 708.534.4115 or email to further assist.

  • Where are the courses I am currently enrolled in the Blackboard Course List?


    Courses are not available in the Blackboard Course List until the course opens. Courses usually open on the first day of the semester or the alternate date provided in the GSU course schedule.

  • Blackboard kicked me out of a test. What happened?


    Blackboard tests require a constant internet connection. If the connection is broken, Blackboard will close the test. Students may be kicked out of the tests due to internet connectivity, web browser issues, etc.

    Allowing an additional attempt is based upon your Instructors approval. If you get kicked out of a test and cannot get back in to finish, please contact your Instructor immediately.

    If you would like to create a ticket, please contact Blackboard Support at 708.534.4115 or email

  • Blackboard will not allow me to submit an assignment. Why?


    Usually, Instructors provide a single assignment attempt for students. This means if you submitted your assignment, you have submitted the maximum number of attempts and will no longer be able to resubmit.

    If you need to resubmit an assignment, please contact your Instructor for an additional attempt approval.

    If you would like to create a ticket, please contact Blackboard Support at 708.534.4115 or email

  • The discussion board forum and all the threads disappeared. What happened?


    Accessibility: Your Instructor has the option to narrow the discussion board availability. Once the availability end date is past due, the forum will be hidden from students. If you would like to reopen the forum so you may post, please contact your Instructor.

    Display: In each forum, you have a Display filter, which can show all threads, published threads, hidden threads, and draft threads. Make sure to select Show All, so you will be able to view all threads created by other users in the course. Open the Displaying Threads tutorial to learn more.

  • Where can I access my final grade?


    During the semester, you may check your Blackboard My Grades as a running total for the course. To view your final grades, please view the Academic Profile > Grades section in the myGSU student portal.

  • How long do I have access to course materials after the course closure?


    Once Students have completed their Blackboard course, it will be available to them until approximately two weeks after the semester ends. After that time, the course will become unavailable in Blackboard. Students will need to contact the Instructor for the course to be reopened to retrieve materials. It's recommended to save or archive submitted coursework, for personal records, prior to the course closure.

  • How do I find out more information about the Certificate in Online Teaching?


    The certificate is offered at the graduate level. Students must have completed a bachelor's degree from an accredited, post-secondary institution. The Certificate in Online Teaching will be awarded to participants who complete the 18-credit-hour program with a "B" or better in each required course.

    For more information, please visit the ONTL Certificate Program page.

  • Where is the GSU Schedule?


    Check the Colleague Course Schedule to see if you are the instructor of the course. If you are not listed as the instructor, please contact your department to have them enroll you as the instructor in Colleague. The automated process will then add you to Blackboard.

  • Where is the Academic Calendar?


    At GSU, the academic year starts with the fall semester. For more information, please visit the GSU Academic Calendar page.

  • Where is the Student Handbook?


    Our Student Code of Conduct, along with other University policies, will give you clear guidance on both what you can expect from GSU faculty and staff, and what we will expect from you. For more information, please visit the GSU Student Handbook page.