Respondus is a PC-only program that allows you to easily create new exams/surveys or upload your existing exams/surveys to Blackboard.
GSU owns a university-wide subscription to Respondus. If you would like to get started with Respondus, please email to provide a license. Download the GSU campus version of Respondus 4.0.
View the following tutorials to create exams. Please make sure your Edit Mode button is ON inside Blackboard. If it is set to OFF, the upload process may not work.
This tutorial will discuss where to download and how to install Respondus on your PC.
Open the Respondus Setup text tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how to update your Respondus License. The license is updated every July 31st. If you need a new license, please contact
Open the Update Respondus text tutorial to learn more.
Respondus Server Settings
+This tutorial will discuss how to add a new server to Respondus. The server includes your Blackboard information, such as your username/password and course sections. By creating a new server, Respondus will be able to convert the test file and place in any content area within your course.
Open the Respondus Server Settings text tutorial to learn more.
Create and Format Questions
+This tutorial will discuss how to create and format questions using the Edit menu in Respondus.
Open the Create and Format Questions video tutorial to learn more.
This tutorial will discuss how to import exam questions from text files, rich text files, or Word documents. These files must be properly formatted in order to successfully upload to Blackboard.
Open the Import Questions video tutorial to learn more.
Publish to Blackboard Course
+This tutorial will discuss how to upload the Respondus exam to a Blackboard course. The server settings must be setup in order to complete this task.
Open the Publish to a Blackboard Course video tutorial to learn more.
Use Publisher Test Banks
+This tutorial will discuss how to gain access to publisher test banks and publish to your Blackboard course, using Respondus.
Open the Use Publisher Test Banks video tutorial to learn more.