A student may request an emergency or medical leave when extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious illness, injury, hospitalization, or military deployment, prevent the student from continuing classes. Additionally, a student may request an emergency leave due to a sudden or consistent lack of transportation or due to a significant cost of living increase. The severity or duration of the problem must be such that it would not be reasonable to expect the student to be able to make up the missed work. A medical leave includes both physical and mental health concerns. Please review Options for Students with Medical Issues below.
Emergency & Medical Leave Requests will be considered only after the student has first withdrawn from all classes if the request is made before the withdrawal deadline (generally 10 weeks into the semester). Emergency & Medical Leave Requests will also be considered after the withdrawal deadline but before two weeks prior to the end of the semester.
If approved, a hold will be placed on your student account until a re-entry request has been approved (see below).
It is not possible to receive an emergency leave while remaining enrolled in classes. A student who wishes to withdraw from one or more individual courses may withdraw themselves on the myGSU portal or submit a late withdrawal request to the Office of the Registrar if or if it is past the withdrawal deadline.
A student may also request emergency or medical leave when the health issues or death of a legal dependent prevent the student from continuing their classes. While the University recognizes that a family member's medical issues or death is traumatic, requests will only be considered when the family member is the student's legal dependent, unless documented extenuating circumstances exist. Students may be asked to provide documentation of legal dependency.
Requests for an emergency or medical leave must be supported by official documentation that confirms the severity and/or duration of the emergency or medical issue occurred during the semester/term in which the leave is requested. Ongoing chronic conditions can be considered for a medical leave, but the documentation must demonstrate a significant acute occurrence during the semester/term in which the leave is requested. Please review the guidelines for the required supporting documentation under the “Submit an Emergency / Medical Leave Request” tab below.
Students must submit a completed application for an Emergency & Medical Leave no later than two weeks before the last day of the semester in which the leave is requested. Incomplete or late requests will not be reviewed. Please see the Academic Calendar for deadlines. All communication will be sent to your GSU student e-mail account.
Prior to your hold being lifted, you need to complete the following tasks AT LEAST ONE WEEK prior to the first day of classes for the semester you are requesting to return. Requests to return will NOT be considered after the deadline. Please complete the Emergency/Medical Leave Re-entry Form
Write a personal statement that describes the steps taken to ensure that the cause for your emergency/medical leave has been addressed and your personal readiness for returning to school;
- Give written permission for the Office of the Dean of Students, Counseling & Wellness Center, and the student’s college to share relevant information regarding your request;
- Recent documentation from a treating, licensed healthcare provider (preferably, the healthcare provider who provided the original documentation for your leave), that includes, at a minimum:
- General description of the treatment provided
- Clinical status
- A statement of opinion as to the student’s readiness to resume academic study and university life
After receipt of all required documentation, Office of the Dean of Students, in consultation with the Counseling & Wellness Center, will make a final decision and communicate with the student regarding that decision, next steps, and the appeals process, if relevant. A meeting (virtual or in-person) may be required prior to approval.
Upon registration, students acknowledge that they are responsible for dropping or withdrawing from classes themselves on the myGSU portal. Students who need to drop or withdraw from one or all of their courses may do so online within published deadlines found on the student's schedule or in Search for Sections on myGSU. Students who drop courses on or before the published 100 percent refund deadline are entitled to a full refund of tuition and fees. Tuition and fee refunds are not provided for course withdrawals with the exception of an approved Emergency / Medical Leave or university error as determined through the non-academic student grievance process. Students who are unable to drop or withdraw through the myGSU portal due to a hold on their student account should contact the Registrar at regoffice@govst.edu.
For more information, visit: https://www.govst.edu/withdrawing/. Please note, credit hour minimums apply to financial aid rules, international student visa requirements, and NAIA (Athletics) regulations. Students receiving financial aid who withdraw may owe a balance depending upon the last date of attendance.
In the event a student was unable to drop courses by the 100 percent refund deadline due to a university error, the student can file a grievance through the process outlined in the Student Handbook (see (provide link to Handbook here)). To file a non-academic grievance, please review the Student Complaints and Grievances website. If the grievance is found to be meritorious, a tuition refund may be granted by the Dean of Students (for a non-academic grievance) or the appropriate College Dean (for an academic grievance) if determined to be an appropriate remedy for the university error.
If you have questions or would like to meet to discuss your options, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 708.235.7595 or via email at deanofstudents@govst.edu.
Options for Students with Health Concerns
If you experience unforeseen health problems or have dependents who are experiencing serious health problems, the University can work with you to determine an appropriate course of action.
When considering what to do, you should think about the following questions:
- At what point in the semester have the health concerns arisen?
- How well have you performed in the course so far?
- What assignments and exams have yet to be completed?
- How long do you and your physicians believe your health concerns will persist?
- Can treatment be obtained in such a manner that you can continue at the University?
How you and/or your healthcare provider respond to these questions will shape the most appropriate course of action. Some possible solutions include:
- Dropping your course(s) for a full refund prior to the deadline published on your schedule on the myGSU portal. For full-semester classes, the deadline to drop a course for a full refund is within the first two weeks.
- Establishing a completion plan with your instructors in the event your health concerns can be addressed within 1-2 weeks.
- Withdrawing from your course(s) when there is too much work to be completed but your performance has been less than what you expected. A "W" grade will be assigned and tuition and fees will still apply. For full-semester classes, a student may withdraw during the third through tenth week. Individual course withdrawal deadlines are published on your schedule on the myGSU portal.
- Requesting an Incomplete grade for courses where most of the graded work has been completed and your performance has been good. An instructor may grant an incomplete to a student if, in the judgment of the instructor, the reasons for the non-completion of the coursework are acceptable. The time allowed for completing unfinished coursework will be determined by the instructor but will not exceed two weeks before the end of the subsequent term.
- Requesting a Late Withdrawal when extenuating circumstances prevented you with withdrawing by the regular deadline. Late withdrawal requests must be submitted by the last day of the current semester/term and be accompanied by supporting documentation and the signature form. For more information, visit: https://www.govst.edu/withdrawing/.
- Requesting a Medical Leave may be the best solution when health concerns arise early in a semester, not much work has been completed in any of your courses, and treatment or recovery will take more than two weeks.
- Submit an Emergency & Medical Leave Request
Students are responsible for reading and understanding the Emergency Leave Guidelines before submitting an application. A complete application includes:
- Withdrawal from all your classes
- Leave Request (via online form, see link below)
- Personal Statement of Emergency (via online form, see link below)
- Healthcare Provider Form or other supporting documentation (see examples below)
Required Documentation
Requests for an emergency or medical leave must be supported by official documentation that confirms the severity and/or duration of the emergency or medical issue occurred during the semester/term in which the leave is requested.
Requests for a medical leave must include the Emergency Leave Medical Providers Form 2023 completed and submitted by a licensed healthcare professional (i.e., physician, psychologist, psychiatrist).
Requests for an emergency leave must include official documentation, such as:
- Official and/or notarized forms, documents, or correspondence from a state agency, governmental entity, reputable business, or employer;
- Military deployment papers;
- Death certificate, funeral program, and/or obituary with the deceased individual's name, date of death, and funeral services contact information. Note: The deceased must be a dependent of the student to request Emergency Leave unless extenuating circumstances exist; and
- Other documentation from a licensed social worker, case manager, counselor, or spiritual leader.
All documentation is subject to verification by the Office of the Dean of Students. Students who misrepresent or submit false documentation will be denied and may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Application Deadlines
Students must submit a completed application for an Emergency & Medical Leave no later than two weeks before the last day of the semester in which the leave is requested. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. Please see the Academic Calendar for deadlines. All communication will be sent to your GSU student e-mail account.
Submit an Emergency & Medical Leave Request
Students are responsible for reading
and understanding the Emergency Leave Guidelines before submitting an
application. A complete application includes:
- Leave Request (via online form, see link below)
- Personal Statement of Emergency (via online form, see link below)
- Healthcare Provider Form or other supporting documentation (see examples below)
Required Documentation
Requests for an emergency or medical leave must be supported by
official documentation that confirms the severity and/or duration of the
emergency or medical issue occurred during the semester/term in which the leave
is requested.
Requests for a medical leave must
include the Emergency Leave Medical Providers Form 2023 completed and
submitted by a licensed healthcare professional (i.e., physician, psychologist,
Requests for an emergency leave must include official
documentation, such as:
- Official and/or notarized forms, documents, or
correspondence from a state agency, governmental entity, reputable
business, or employer;
- Military deployment papers;
- Death certificate, funeral program, and/or obituary
with the deceased individual's name, date of death, and funeral services
contact information. Note: The deceased must be a dependent of the
student to request Emergency Leave unless extenuating circumstances exist;
- Other documentation from a licensed social worker, case
manager, counselor, or spiritual leader.
All documentation is subject to verification by the Office of
the Dean of Students. Students who misrepresent or submit false documentation
will be denied and may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the
Student Code of Conduct.
Application Deadlines
must submit a completed application for an Emergency & Medical Leave no later than two weeks before the last day of the semester in which the leave is requested. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed. Please see the Academic Calendar for deadlines. All communication will be sent to your GSU student e-mail account.
Submit an Emergency & Medical Leave Request
To submit an emergency & medical leave request, please use the online form:/Student_Activities_Inside_Pages/submit-request-orange.png)
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it guaranteed that my Emergency / Medical Leave will be approved?
There is no guarantee that an Emergency or Medical Leave request will be approved. Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be supported by official documentation. Emergency / medical leaves are approved one-time and will not be granted again for the same issue.
When will I receive a decision?
Decision letters are sent via email to the student's GSU email approximately 7-10 business days after a complete application is received.
How will my financial aid or account balance be impacted?
Students requesting an Emergency or Medical Leave request should consult with Financial Aid to identify the impact of complete course withdrawals and/or eligibility to receive financial aid in subsequent semesters. Students who receive financial aid and withdraw from all courses may owe a balance to the University.
Will my application be kept confidential or private?
Approved leave requests are shared with the Registrar and Financial Aid for processing; however, specific details regarding your request will be kept private. Only the nature of the emergency (i.e., medical) will be disclosed. The personal statement and supporting documentation will not be shared outside of the Office of the Dean of Students unless the student gives written permission, or the student poses an immediate threat to themselves or others. This includes, but is not limited to, family, friends or university officials.
Can I appeal the decision?
If a leave request is approved, the decision is final and cannot be reversed. If a leave request is denied, a student can submit an official appeal within five business days from the date of the decision letter (the appeal deadline is included in the decision letter).
University Resources for Ongoing Support
Students with chronic physical or mental health concerns may wish to seek support from GSU's Counseling & Wellness Center and/or Access Services for Students with Disabilities.
Counseling and Wellness Center
GSU’s Counseling and Wellness Center offers physical and mental healthcare services to currently enrolled students. To schedule an appointment with Advocate Aurora Health, call 708.235.2114. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, complete the request form located on the myGSU portal or call 708.235.7334. For more information, including current hours of operation, visit: https://www.govst.edu/wellness/.
Access Services for Students with Disabilities
Students with a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 may be eligible to receive accommodations. Students are encouraged to contact Access Services for Students with Disabilities by email at assd@govst.edu, by phone at 708.235.3968, or in-person in Room B1215 of the Academic Resource Center.