GovState has agreements with many area community colleges that help ensure proper transfer of courses.
Minimum Transfer Admission Requirements:
- 24 or more semester credit hours of college coursework.
- 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
- Provide official transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities.
Please note, that some programs have their own application deadlines and require higher GPAs and/or additional materials for admission. If you have earned less than 24 hours you must apply as a freshman.
If you would like to meet with an Admission Counselor, set up a virtual pre-admission appointment by visiting: You can also find more information in the academic catalog.
Governors State University is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), which allows students to follow a general education core curriculum (GECC) that transfers smoothly from over 100 participating schools into all of the undergraduate programs at GovState. For more information, visit our IAI web page found here
Prospective undergraduate program students can view transfer information for specific institutions below:
Governors State University accepts baccalaureate and master's level credits from other regionally accredited colleges and universities on a case-by-case basis.

You may be able to earn college credit for previous knowledge and skills you have mastered outside a traditional college setting via our Credit for Prior Learning program. Learn more about CPL options, or complete our CPL Self-Assessment, to see if Credit for Prior Learning is right for you.
For transfer information/articulation agreements for programs not listed above or pending, please contact the university Transfer Coordinator.