
Purpose and Guiding Principles

The Academic Program Review Process at Governors State University is an institutional initiative of continuous improvement and effectiveness. It is a process that consists of a cyclical review whereby units examine strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improvement. It requires units to examine goals, the results of assessment activities, standards, and objectives in relation to the University’s mission and the development plan of the program. The process provides the basis for the development of long-range planning, the creation of future priorities while ensuring the University meets standards and guidelines set by each unit’s respective field, standards set by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) pursuant to state law (110 ILCS 205/7), and the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

Academic program review process is completed annually by the Academic Program Review Committee (APRC), a sub-committee of faculty senate. As part of the process, the Board of Trustees at Governors State University, must review and approve a summary report of the recommendations offered by the Academic Program Review Committee (APRC) and the Office of the Provost regarding the standings of each program under review. In conjunction with the Office of the Provost and the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, the university ensures academic quality by engaging academic units in a process of quality improvement.