Timothy W. Pedigo, Ph.D.

  Associate Professor
  708-534-4398 ext. 4398
  Office Location: G391
  Office Hours: Hours will vary from semester to semester.
  College: CEHD

Division of Psyc and Counseling





Timothy W.Pedigo, Ph.D. is a Associate Professor of Psychology at Governors State University, where he teaches courses in mindfulness and compassion to graduates and undergraduates and psychotherapy skills in the Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology. His scholarship is in the area of the mindfulness and psychotherapy and mindfulness, social-emotional learning and curiosity.

Tim has also been a psychotherapist for over 35 years specializing in trauma and dissociation and has maintained a meditation practice for 25 years and is an authorized meditation teacher and certified teacher of Cognitive Based Compassion Training.


Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A., & Hakenjos, A. (accepted with revisions). A college course on mindfulness and self- compassion: The effect of transformational learning on attachment security, university belongingness, and academic self-efficacy. Journal of Transformational Learning.

Zell, M., Pedigo, T., & Cooney, M. (2021). “Come and See for Yourself”: Exploration of Mindfulness Practice by First-Year College Students. The Qualitative Report, 26(1), 274-295. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4430

Pedigo, T. Robey, P. and Tuskenis, A. (2018). Realizing health: The path of mindfulness and choice theory. The International Journal of ChoiceTheory and Reality Therapy, 38 (1), 63-75.

Pedigo, T. and Howell, G. (2018), Heart–based teaching: A mindfulness program for preservice teachers, In Daniels and Billings (eds.), Creating Caring and Supportive Educational Environments for Meaningful Learning, Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishers.

Pedigo, T. (2017). Mindfulness. In S. Dermer & J. Carlson (Eds.), The Sage Encyclopedia of Marriage, Family, and Couples Counseling, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483369532.n322.

Pedigo, T., Robey, P. and Christiansen, T (2016). An Integration of mindfulness with choice theory and reality therapy. The International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, 36 (1). 64-72.

Pedigo, T. (2011). A.C.T.I.V.E. coping with cancer: A mindfulness based program for helping cancer patients and their families. Chicago: Ramsfield Press.

Pedigo, T. (1996). An interview with Richard Schwartz. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 4 (3), 268-277.


Pedigo, T. (2022, April). Mindfulness-Based Social Emotional Learning: The why and how of implementing mindful experiences in K-12. Rally 2022: Virtual Education Conference at Governors State University.

Azmy, S., Pedigo, T., and Tuskenis, A. (2020, July). Mentoring student leadership self- efficacy in a clinical psychology graduate program. Virtual roundtable discussion presented to The Association of Leadership Educators 2020 Conference. (Originally was to be in Nashville but was online).

Pedigo, T., and Tuskenis, A., (2020, April). Teaching mindfulness strategies to address academic and social-emotional functioning. Roundtable discussion to be the presented at 92nd Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago, IL (Canceled due to Covid-19 Pandemic).

Pedigo, T. and Pedigo, K. (2020, March). Mindfulness and compassion: The journey from self-compassion to caring for others. Presentation/ workshop to be presented at the Society for Humanistic Psychology’s Annual Conference (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association) in New Orleans (Canceled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic).

Pedigo, T. and Evans, A. (2020, March). The effect of trauma informed compassion practices workshops on student college experiences. Presentation at the 2020 Midwest Institute for Students and Teachers of Psychology on March 6 at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL.

Pedigo, T., Evans, A., and Cooney, M. (2019, November). Creating social change through trauma informed compassion. Poster Presentation at the Tenth Annual Association for the Contemplative Mind in Higher Education in Amherst, MA.

Tuskenis, A. and Pedigo, T. (2019, April). Enhancing students’ academic self-efficacy and university belongingness through mindfulness. Poster presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago, IL.

Pedigo, T. and Robey, P. (2019, April). Integrating the Buddhist practice of mindfulness into the treatment of post-traumatic stress. Presentation at the Ninth International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society in Granada, Spain.

Pedigo, T. and Howell, G. (2019, March). Learning and growing together: First generation/ minority/ low-income students grow and thrive. Presentation at the 2019 Annual Gateway Course Experience Conference in Atlanta.

Pedigo, T. and Howell, G. (2019, February). Heart-Based Teaching: A Mindfulness Program for Preservice Teachers at the First Coalition of Schools Education Mindfully Conference in Chicago.

Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A, Shawahin, L., Cooney, M., and Cambric, L. (2018, October). Social Change and Creating a Culture of Connection. Poster presented at the 10th Annual of Association of Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Conference in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Tuskenis, A., Pedigo, T., Covic, M., Shawahin, L. and Grzywana, J. (2018, August). Enhancing students’ academic self-efficacy and university belongingness through mindfulness, Poster presented at the 2018 APA National Convention in San Francisco, California.

Pedigo, T. and Cooney, M (2018, July). A mindful university: Relational leadership, mindfulness, and shared governance, Presented as a Roundtable Discussion at the 2018 ALE Conference in Chicago.

Pedigo, T. and Howell, G. (2017, February). Mindfulness training: Innovation in educator preparation from professors’ and candidates’ perspectives. Presented at the National Association for Teacher Educators Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Pedigo, T. and Howell, G. (2016, April), Mindfulness Training for Pre-service Teachers. Presented at the Midwest Association for Teacher Educators Conference in Normal IL.

Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A., and Christiansen, T. (2015, February). Before and After: Supporting Academic and Social-Emotional Regulation in Statistics and Writing. Presented at the Midwest Institute for Teachers and Students of Psychology in Glen Ellyn, IL.

Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A., and Christiansen, T. (2015, May). Social emotional factors in higher education: Using contemplative methods in the classroom to improve learning for non-traditional college students. Presented at Midwest Psychological Association in Chicago.

Pedigo, T., Howell, G., and Cheatham, L. (2014, August). Teaching mindfulness to undergraduate and graduate students. Symposium presented at the 2014 APA National Convention in Washington, D.C.

Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A., Christiansen, T, and Johnson J. (2014, August). Potential as possibility: Facilitating personal growth in psychology programs. Symposium presented at the APA National Convention in Washington, D.C.

Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A., and Christiansen, T. (2014, February). Contemplative Approaches to Teaching and Learning Psychology. Presented at the 21st Annual Midwest Institute for Students and Teachers of Psychology, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL.

Pedigo, T., Tuskenis, A, and Johnson, J. (2013, May). APA Learning Goal 9: Teaching and Assessing Personal Development. Presented at The 2013 Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (2012, October). Working with the Basic Fault. Presented at the Jung Institute of Chicago, Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (2012, March). Meditation and mental health. Presented at The National Conference of the World Community for Christian Meditators. Houston, Texas.

Pedigo, T. (2011, March). Mindfulness: Where does it originate and how do you do it? Presentation at the Second Annual Care, Comfort, and Coffee: Living a Balanced Life – Body, Mind, and Spirit at the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago, Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (2001, April). Transforming the inner system. Presented at the Illinois Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference. Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (2000. May). Awakened hearts. Presented at the Ninth Annual Internal Systems Association Conference. Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (2000, April). Higher love: The journey from fantasy to mature intimacy. Presented at Illinois Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference, Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (1999, May). The four noble truths applied to the internal family systems model. Presented at the Eighth Annual Internal Systems Association Conference. Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (1998, May). Taoism and the internal family systems model. Presented at the Seventh Annual Internal Systems Association Conference, Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (1996, April). Integrating Imago with Internal Family Systems Therapy. Presented at The First Annual Midwest Association for Imago Relationship Therapy Conference, Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (1996, May). The parts of the therapist in working with survivors of abuse. Presented at the Fifth Annual Internal Systems Association Conference. Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (1996, May). An IFS approach to the treatment of dissociative identify disorder. Presented at the Fifth Annual Internal Systems Association Conference. Chicago.

Pedigo, T. (1992, October). Creativity and the imago process. Presented at the Second Annual National Association for Imago Relationship Therapy Conference. Houston, Texas.