Natalia Rekhter, PhD, MHSA

  Associate Professor
  708-534-4033 ext. 4033
  Office Location: G182
  Office Hours: Please contact instructor to make an appointment.
  College: CHHS

Health Administration



Natalia Rekhter, native of Russia, brings to the governor State University 17 years of teaching experience.  She has been a Trustee Lecturer at the Indiana University, Indianapolis (IUPUI) School of Public and Environmental Affairs, directed a Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration program in Lincoln College, Illinois and then served as a director of a hybrid Master of Healthcare Administration program at Saint Mary of the Woods College.

Natalia research interests are focused on the use of social media for teaching, recruitment and retention and on the healthcare quality improvement through prevention, education, and the advancement of healthcare management.  She has been a recipient of ten grant awards in the amount from $1,000 to $400,000; in 2013 and 2016 she also received a Fulbright Specialist award for teaching and conducting research at the Russia State University for Humanities in Moscow. She has presented her research work at numerous international and local conferences.

In addition to an academic career, Natalia has over a decade of industry experience that ranges from working for a large corporation, Trinity Health, to consulting services.


 1.     Rekhter, N., Ermasova, N (2021).   Effect of the COVID-19 on perceptions of health, anticipated need for health services, and cost of healthcare.  Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Published online: 8 June, 2021, p.p. 1-28.   doi: 10.1017/dmp.2021.174.

2.     Rekhter, N., & Ermasova, N. (2021). Culture of prevention: Early disease detection of cancer in Russia.  Social Science and Medicine. 277, p. 113905 

3.     Rekhter, N., Ermasova, N., Anopchenko, T. (2021). Social media as information source during early stages of COVID-19 pandemic and its connection to and impact on population health:  A perception-based study.  Journal of Health, Safery and Environment, 37(1), 37-55. Wolters Kluwer publisher.

4.     Ermasova, N.,Rekhter, N., & Ermasov, S. (2021). Organizational stress in Russia.  In K. Sharma, C. Cooper, & D.M. Pestonjee (Eds.), Organizational stress around the world. Research and practice. Routledge: Taylor & Francis group.


5.     Rekhter, N., & Anopchenko, T. (2020). Using social network sites in healthcare management:  Challenges and opportunities. Sochi Journal of Economy, 14(4): 384-392

6.     Rekhter, N., Morlet, A. (2020). Blackboard versus Facebook: Improving health administration students' engagement in online discussions. Journal of Health Administration Education, 37(1),


7.     Ermasova, N., Ermasova, E., & Rekhter, N. (2020). Stress and Coping of Russian students: do gender and marital status make a difference? Journal of Gender Studies, Published online: 23 Dec 2020.

8.     Rekhter, N., & Hossler, D. (2020). Russian students’ use of social network sites for selecting university abroad. Journal of International Students, 10(3).

9.     Rekhter N, & Hossler D. (2019). Place, prestige, price, and promotion: How international students use social networks to learn about universities abroad. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 8(1), 124-145.

10.  Rekhter, N., & Goris, T. (2018). Internet cost, speed, and social media proliferation and dynamic of foreign students’ enrollment on international campuses. Journal of Economics, Management and Finance, 18(2), 131-138.

11.  Rekhter, N. (2014). Lessons from a health care study abroad program.  Journal of Health Administration Education.

12.  Natalia Rekhter (2013, May). “Serfs” up. Times Higher Education.

13.  Rekhter, N. (2012).  Using social network sites for higher education marketing and recruitment. International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing (IJTEM).