David Conrad

  Associate Professor
  708-235-7575 ext. 7575
  Office Location: G207
  Office Hours: Wednesday 8:30 -11:00 am and by appointment
  College: CEHD

Educational Administration
Division of Education



Dr. David Conrad joined the faculty of Governors State University in 2018 as an Assistant Professor of Education and coordinator of the Educational Administration program. He teaches graduate courses for aspiring school leaders and supervises principal leadership interns.

He earned the Doctor of Education in Educational Organization and Leadership from the University of Illinois in 2018. His mixed methods dissertation studied the micropolitics of teacher evaluation reforms implemented in Illinois public schools. His additional education includes a B.S. in Music Education from University of Illinois, M.M.Ed. in Music Education from Illinois State University, M.A. in Educational Administration from Governors State University, and a graduate certificate in Legal Aspects of Schools from University of Illinois-Springfield.

As an emerging scholar, Dr. Conrad presents research and best practices at state and national education conferences, including sessions for the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL), University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), American Educational Research Association (AERA), Illinois Principals Association (IPA), Illinois Associaton of School Boards (IASB), Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), and Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA). His articles have appeared in Leadership and Policy in Schools, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, National Federation of High Schools Music Journal, and Irish Music Teacher. He also reviews articles for peer-reviewed education journals.

During a 22-year public school career, Dr. Conrad taught music for 10 years. He was known as a master teacher of beginning bands and he started “The Main Event” show choir competition at Manteno (IL) High School. In 2018, the Manteno Show Choir Boosters honored Dr. Conrad by naming the Grand Champion trophy in his honor. He was a two-term union president and a four-term elected delegate to the National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly.

For the last 12 years, Dr. Conrad lead a 680-student middle school as a building principal. Among his leadership accomplishments, Manteno Middle School implemented an early 1:1 Chromebook program and served as a model training site for other school districts. He also supported the district in various business management roles including tax levy creation, building construction and demolition projects, analyzing financial projections and bond ratings, and negotiating collective bargaining agreements with his expertise in salary and benefits. He served two terms as president of the Kan-Will Conference and served as their scheduling coordinator.

Dr. Conrad continues his passion for music by conducting the River Valley Wind Ensemble, directing a church choir, and emceeing summer band concerts and show choir competitions. He performs on trombone in various brass and jazz ensembles. He judges school music contests in marching band, concert band, and choir throughout Illinois and the Midwest.

Dr. Conrad is a member of AERA, IPA, ICPEL, Education Law Association, Illinois Council for Professors of Education (ICPEA), and NFHS Music Association. He is a proud inductee into the Phi Kappa Phi and Kappa Delta Pi honor societies.