Welcome to the Bachelor of Social Work Program at Governors State University!
Quick Facts
General Education - 37 Hours
Required Courses - 53 Hours
Upper Division and
Social Work Selectives - 15 Hours
Child Welfare Electives (optional) - 6 Hours*
Electives - 15 Hours
Total for Degree - 120 Hours
Full Program Requirements

We are pleased that you have chosen our outstanding BSW Program. We believe that the Undergraduate Social Work Program at Governors State University provides a vibrant learning community, that engages adult learners for social work practice in a variety of settings and with diverse populations. Our goal is to build on your strengths and prepare you to make a difference in an ever-changing world in social justice-oriented social work practice with individuals, families, organizations, and communities.
As BSW Program Coordinator, I look forward to watching each of you grow as you take advantage of the many learning opportunities in the classroom, within the university, and the surrounding community. We invite you to join our community, discover your passion, and make a difference!
Best Wishes,
Renee Garbe, PhD, Assistant Professor
BSW Program Coordinator for the Social Work Department
The Mission of the Bachelor of Social Work Program at Governors State University is to prepare students as social justice-oriented generalist practitioners in a changing world. Students are prepared for entry-level practice at the individual, family, organizational, and community levels in diverse settings.
Why a BSW?
A BSW is a Bachelor of Social Work degree that prepares you for a career in social work or related fields, or to continue your education. Social work is the helping profession that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. With a BSW, you can work in entry-level, non-clinical positions in social services, such as child welfare specialists, substance use counselors, case managers, and social welfare assistants. You can also pursue a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree, which opens up more opportunities for clinical and leadership roles in the field. A BSW degree can be a rewarding choice if you are passionate about helping people and making a positive difference in the world. Visit the NASW Career Center for more information and resources about a career in social work.
Program Description
The Bachelor of Social Work Program at GovState reflects a richly diverse student population with age, race/ethnicity, gender, community identification, and socio-economic status. A large majority of our students are working as well as managing the demands of family. We work with students to develop a Plan of Study that maps out the completion of academic requirements, but that also considers the context of their lives.
Our program emphasizes social justice, critical thinking, reflective practice, experiential and service learning, advocacy, self-care, professional development, and leadership, as well as providing collaborative learning opportunities between community practitioners/constituents and students. These opportunities take the form of guest speakers, forums, symposiums, visits to communities, events, and more.
The Bachelor of Social Work program is nationally accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
Social Work Accreditation

The Council on Social Work Education
333 John Carlyle Street Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314-3457
Phone: 703.683.8080
Fax: 703.683.8099
Website: http://www.cswe.org
Email: info@cswe.org
Delivery Format
The BSW Curriculum is delivered on campus with classes being web-enhanced. Classes meet one day per week for 2 hours and 50 minutes. General Education/Prerequisites may be offered delivered on campus, online, or hybrid.
Why Study Social Work at GovState?
- Accredited by The Council on Social Work Education
- Diverse Student Population
- A well-developed core curriculum and several options for electives
- Class schedule offered to meet the needs of adult learners
- Small class size
- Opportunities for mentoring & Professional Development
- An extensive offering of field internship opportunities
- Opportunities for experiential learning, service learning, and study abroad
- Opportunities for Student involvement and leadership, e.g., Student Social Work Organization, Phi Alpha Honor Society, etc.
- Tuition Cost
Degree Requirements
For complete information regarding degree requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work, please see the current Social Work, B.S.W. page in the GovState catalog.
2024 BSW Fact Sheet
Student Involvement
The Social Work program has a well-established history of student involvement in the community, at GovState, and in the Social Work Department, through service and leadership by developing and involvement in student organizations (e.g. The Gay Straight Alliance, Veterans Resource Center, International Student Organization, and Student Senate).
- Social Work students founded Generating Hope, a student organization grounded in the belief that education is a human right that should be accessible to everyone—a belief supported by data that shows higher education significantly decreases recidivism and transforms the lives of those who have been formerly incarcerated.
- The Social Work Student Organization (SWSO) has been instrumental in coordinating an annual Social Work Advocacy Day in Springfield and raising funds for global and domestic communities (e.g. Haiti, Flint, Michigan, etc.)
- The social work honor society Phi Alpha not only recognizes academic excellence but also has spearheaded community service projects.
- Under faculty leadership, social work students have the opportunity to study abroad and service learning opportunities in locations such as Ghana, Inuab, South Argentine, Nicaragua, and Panama.
Learning Goals
We are
proud to say that we provide a transformative educational experience which is
reflected in our alumni who are contributors to the profession as outstanding
leaders and practitioners
As a
graduate of the BSW program, you will be prepared to enter the field as a
generalist, with a focus on concrete direct services and case management.
Generalists differ from advanced practitioners, who require a master’s degree
or higher. As a graduate of the program, you will have fulfilled the
prerequisites needed for your career as well as Advanced Graduate-level study
in Social Work.
2023 BSW Social Work Outstanding Undergraduate Student
Samantha Giffen is the Social Work Department’s 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award recipient. Her academic excellence and leadership achievements include Bachelor of Social Work President for Phi Alpha (Omicron Beta Chapter), Social Work Student Honor Society, membership in the National Society of Leadership, as well as her dedication to providing excellent services in her field placement with Unity Hospice.
Application Deadlines for BSW Program
Term Deadline
Spring 2025 December 8, 2024
Summer 2025 April 2025
Fall 2025 August 2025
BSW Admissions Mailbox: bswadmissions@govst.edu
Dr. Renee Garbe
Program Coordinator