Presented by GovState Theatre and Performance Studies

Written and Directed by Quenna Barrett

Thursday, October 31, 2024 

10 am
Grades: High School and Up

TICKETS: $7 (Early Bird); $9 (After september 1st)


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What happens when a class of young Black women and non-binary folx of color take a trip to 1776? 

A collage of time and space, a blend of character and self — the ensemble of Re-Writing the Declaration exists in both today and yesterday in order to change tomorrow. Believing that the founding fathers and documents never intended to include us, we consider the impacts of that founding on our lives today & realize it’s time to re-write the Declaration of Independence. On this journey, we visit some troubling moments in our collective past, while celebrating Blackness on the path towards freedom.

Catalyzed by the Movement for Black Lives, Re-Writing the Declaration is a devised, participatory play inviting audiences to center Black women, and femmes, non-binary, and trans folx of color, in order to free us all. 

Curriculum Connections: US History, US Government, Black History, Theatre/Performing Arts, Storytelling