At Governors State University all projects involving animals must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

IACUC is a federally mandated committee, qualified through the experience and expertise of its members, that oversees an institution's animal program, facilities and procedures. It provides a framework for compliance with federal policies, guidelines and principles related to the use of animals in research, teaching and testing.

USDA and PHS require institutions using animals to appoint an IACUC and charge it with specific responsibilities.

To ensure compliance with all federal, state and GSU regulations, policies and standards in place to protect animal welfare, IACUC members review all requests for approval to use vertebrate animals. It also conducts inspections of all areas where animals are housed and used, reviews the institutional program for animal use and reports its findings.

IACUC Review 

IACUC protocols are reviewed by full committee review at a convened committee meeting. Approvals are granted for one year. Protocols are accepted by email at 

IACUC Forms  

IACUC Members

  • Dr. Scott Keller, Veterinarian
  • Dr. Kulugammana Ranmohotti, Practicing Scientist
  • Dr. Renee Theiss, Practicing Scientist 
  • Mr. Jordan A. Sigale, Non-affiliated Member 
  • Dr. John Yunger, Practicing Scientist, IACUC Chair 
  • Ms. Carolyn Johnson, Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator 

Questions about IACUC? Contact IACUC at