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 Jaguar Connection 2

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Congratulations on being admitted to Governors State University! We're excited that you've chosen to pursue your undergraduate education here. New Student Orientation will be your first step to familiarizing yourself to campus and connecting to the GSU community.

Our virtual orientation will provide you information on the various resources and services GSU offers as you transition your first year in the university.  You will be able to complete the self-pace program in the comfort of your own home.

In addition, this will be a great chance for you to discover the various opportunities provided at Governors State including involvement in student organizations, volunteer opportunities, support services, and many other aspects of being a GSU student.

GSU’s virtual First Year Orientation will also have a family component.  Family members will have the opportunity to learn more about GSU and what new students will experience and take a virtual campus tour. We'll also provide information about various academic programs and services available to first-year students.

All first-year students are required to attend orientation and Jaguar Journey Days (post-orientation event).  Students will be invited to Jaguar Journey Days after they have met with their advisor and registered for courses.

Apply Now

Apply Now

Click here to apply to be a freshman at GSU.

Parent and Family Programming

Parent and Family Programming

Click here to stay connected and learn how to help your student.

First Year Advising

First Year Advising

Advising is an important part of the college experience.  Learn more!

Freshmen Orientation

Freshmen Orientation

Click here for information about our orientation. Students are required to attend Jaguar Journey Days post-orientation program.

Live on-campus!

Live on-campus!

Prairie Place is an active, supportive and exciting place to live and learn. As a member of the living and learning community, you will participate in learning activities and experiences that will connect you with other students. Read More!